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Supporting Creativity and Innovation

Art:Collector:Horse is dedicated to supporting artists in every way we can. With a special emphasis on new and emerging talent, we help artists to easily showcase and sell their pieces, connect with other artists, and receive fair compensation for their hard work. If you have any questions about our collection or the artists themselves, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Aaron Artrip

"All forms of art are a means of broadcasting a signal; a message. My signals manifest into images, objects, and sonic presentations."​

Aaron Artrip is an American Musician and Artist focusing on the relationship between what we see and what we hear. Balancing between these areas, he searches through discarded, often forgotten analog and digital hardware systems to find musical forms of rhythm, pitch, and pattern. Aarons work takes many forms including drawings, prints, sound recordings, installations and performances.
​In his free time, he enjoys laying down some sick nasty beats with a drum machine, creating new sounds with his synthesizers, or teaching a workshop.

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Megan Mossholder

Visual artist Megan Mosholder reacts to the social-political landscape through site-responsive installations. Her three-dimensional drawings, often enhanced by light, emphasize obscured elements within recognizable places correlating symbolism with lived experience.

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His installations, paintings and works on paper explore a variety of themes that shift between subjects and perspectives alternately intimate and immense – occasionally within the same piece. Often working in series, his modestly-scaled paintings and drawings employ detailed mark-making, dense layering and unexpected relationships between form, content and material, yielding works that strive for optimism without simplicity, and privilege wonder over resolution. Recent subjects include sleeping and dreaming, hate speech, drag queens as spiritual healers, and queer magic. 

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Urban Exploring is a fulfilling adventure to collect, uncover, and give recognition to abandoned architecture. My interest in these structures that have been condemned and fallen into disrepute is a projection outside of myself onto something non-human to cope with my own experiences with familial abandonment. I use a variety of materials and methods of creation to depict the components of this tendency.

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